Welcome to
Akuna Kindergarten
We offer children an exciting invitation to explore, discover, create and learn in a safe and challenging environment.
At Akuna Kindergarten children actively engage in authentic, hands-on play experiences and our outdoor environment and surrounds provides opportunities for children to connect with nature on a regular basis.
Our aim is to provide a curriculum that is play based, child centred and emergent, based on children’s individual strengths and interests and guided by ‘Belonging, Being & Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia.
We are committed to empowering children and families to pursue their life journey with confidence, through the implementation of our values in all activities associated with the kindergarten.
Session Times
At Akuna Kindergarten, children’s access to preschool is currently provided over a two week cycle totalling 30 hours per fortnight (see options below).
We can offer the following two options for access to preschool at Akuna Kindergarten.
Preschool Registration of Interest Form
Adobe PDF, 241KB
Every effort will be made to establish attendance schedules to suit individual family needs. However, preferred choices may not always be possible since group sizes need to remain inside the centre’s capacity limits.
For more information on our Kindy Program, please download the Parent Information Booklet or contact us.
Option: 1
Each week – Monday/Tuesday
9.00am – 3.00pm
Additional session 9.00am-3.00pm once a fortnight on a Wednesday or Thursday or Friday (McPark children preference)
Option: 2
Each week – Wednesday/Thursday
9.00am – 3.00pm
Additional session 9.00am-3.00pm once a fortnight on a Monday or Tuesday or Friday (McPark children preference)
Akuna Playgroup provides a fantastic opportunity for you and your child/ren to become familiar with the kindergarten and provides opportunities for children to learn through play.
Our playgroup is run by staff and parents working together to create a fun, sociable and challenging environment for children from birth to 5 years and their families.
Our routines promote children’s independence and organisation and aid in developing skills for life. They are also based on the knowledge of how children learn best and encourage you to work with your child to support their development in a variety of areas.
Playgroup runs on Friday mornings from 9.30am until 11.30am and is open to all children (0 years to school age) accompanied by a parent or guardian. Cost is $3.00 per week per family, as well as an annual insurance fee payable to the Playgroup Association. Families are asked to bring a piece of fruit for their child (not shared). Playgroup activities are advertised via our Facebook page and staff will be available to assist you upon arrival with any inquires.

Useful Links
Great Start
Great Start is a DECD website which has plenty of ideas and activities that can help you make the most of everyday learning and events. Families are busy so included are ideas for activities that you are already doing, ideas that may be new and will only take a few minutes and others that will take longer. There is also extra information for you if want to learn more about the literacy and numeracy that your child will be developing and how this will link to learning in later life.
Kids Galaxy
Kids Galaxy South Australia’s most comprehensive guide for parents, grandparents and child professionals.
Health Direct
Health Direct If you have a health concern and you’re not sure what to do, simply call 1800 022 222* and speak with a registered nurse. You’ll get fast, expert advice about any health issue, helping you make an informed decision about how to manage it. GP’s are also available when required.
KidsMatter is an Australian mental health and wellbeing initiative set in primary schools and early childhood education and care services. It’s unique because it brings together all the most important people in a child’s life – especially families! Good mental health in childhood lays the foundations for the future, and it is never too early for families to start supporting the mental health of children.
KidsMatter provides families with a range of information sheets to help them support children’s mental health and wellbeing, and to recognise if and when professional help is needed.
The information sheets on the website provide practical information, tips, and strategies across a range of common childhood issues, and were prepared by professionals experienced in the area of children’s mental health and development.
UV rating
UV rating the daily uv rating at kindy determines how we utilise the outdoor space and our expectations around wearing hats. We monitor the rating daily and if over three implement our sun smart policy.
Parenting SA
Parenting SA The ParentingSA website has access to Parent Easy Guides (PEGs) which bring simple, easy-to-read information on many of the issues faced by parents from birth through adolescence. The PEGs represent a valuable information source not only for parents and those caring for children, but also professionals. They have been developed from research in conjunction with appropriate experts and are widely used throughout Australia.
Families SA
Families SA Families SA is part of the Department for Education and Child Development. Our primary area of concern is the protection of children – “keeping them safe”. Within this context we work in the following areas:
Protecting children from abuse and harm
Supporting families to reduce risk to children
Providing alternative care for children and young people when home is no longer an option
Working with young people who break the law
Managing adoption processes
Caring for refugee children at risk
Delivering services to address poverty
Helping communities affected by disaster to rebuild
Families SA is committed to reconciliation and providing culturally appropriate services.
Lifeline provides access to crisis support, suicide prevention and mental health support services.
People call Lifeline’s 24 hour crisis support service 13 11 14 about many things including: Anxiety, Depression, Loneliness, Abuse and trauma, Physical or mental wellbeing, Suicidal thoughts or attempts, Stresses from work, family or society and Information for friends and family.
Department for Education and Child Development (DECD)
Mount Gambier Charter for Children
The Mount Gambier Charter for Children is an important step in assisting us to become the most liveable city in Australia – for all our residents. The Charter consists of nine aspirational principles which guide the work of Council, local businesses and services to assist our children flourish in their earliest years.”
Policies & Reporting
National Quality Standard Rating
Our services are assessed and rated against 7 quality areas of the National Quality Standard.
The National Quality Framework (NQF) operates under an applied law system, comprising the national law and the national regulations